Saturday, October 27, 2012

What is Kat doing for her today?

This morning was a fitful sleep nightmarish and reliving if the past. At least remained calm and focused on more positive and constructive things as I am freaked about being followed in my building and the person telling the desk person he is with me and tried to get me to say he was. Needless to say I rode out the event I am safe and okay. I am so tired naps aren't much and cant get a solid one in am running on little sleep last two nights and I am tired but can't sleep, have to love insomnia I wish Mr. Sandman would bring me some dreams.

So today was a melancholy day as I dealt with last nights incident, it was hard to focus and be in the moment. I ran errands today to pick up tickets for two events, one on tuesday where I am the point person on and will have the tickets for the group. Went and got my nails done and 3 broke off in no more than ten minutes of getting home. I came home and tried to nap was unable to. Jason came over for dinner of homemade refried beans over rice with catfish. I cook because I have to force myself to eat and even then I can't eat a lot. I actually want to throw it up but have started that. my health requires me to eat so does cycling which is the main reason i eat, when it actually is an inconvenience and repulses me. At least i had someone to cook for and it was good i made me a smaller portion and couldn't eat it all.  Jason and i went to a concert by a wonder pianist and the flow of his hands were amazing. After the concert we met up with the rest of the gang.  So it's been determine Jason is Will, I am Grace, Josh Is Jack and Kaylee Is Karen. We went to the Lookout and my job was chaperoning the 3 of them. Yay for red bull just what a sober insomniac needs. Jason and I are gr8 (gay straight) he's my gay husband and I'm the straight wife and it safe no expectations and enjoy each others company  and I go out with him to give approval on men. I absolutely love my gay boys. I left early as i was out of my element I dont drink and i dont socialize well when i am not drinking.

The bus home was chaotic and horrible and raised my stress level but  I am doing well remaining at a 3. I need sleep, hope i get sleep, its loud and crazy outside so more likely not. only have had 5 hours of sleep in 2 days. I meet with sponsor tomorrow and then do a 25 mile bike ride in east bay. 

I love when I dress what I consider casual people think I am dressed up, no its just I have fashion sense. the compliments are nice especially since been wearing it all day. the skills really are helping.

today i lived and got out of the house with friends and socialize the best i could, used the skills and enjoying friendships.

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