Friday, October 15, 2010

Homeless Youth Outreach and Conversation

October 15, 2010 met these boys when I was on the street for a couple days. Even in my struggles they weren't near as bad as theirs. With little money I had I bought them a feast for a kid at heart.  Meet them behind the Safeway on market.  It really makes me sad when I think about this day and rear their accounts.  Putting it into blog for preservation.  I wonder what happened to them.

Names: Puppy 21, Tony 23, Creationist 24     in San Francisco they age out at 25.

Puppy is a homeless youth age 21, gay white male, been in group homes until 4 years ago and found himself homeless.  Puppy is a IV meth drug user   and prostitutes himself for drugs and food.  When asking him about life on the streets Puppy says shelters are no more safe, outside provides better environment even in cold weather.  Puppy would tell others thinking about running away or decide to live on the streets "Its a hell of a world out there. Don't get yourself killed.  He also said if you decide to live on the streets you need to figure out how to survive by yourself

Tony is a homeless youth age 23. straight African American male into prostitutuion and drugs.  Would love to get of the street and meth, which he uses intravenously. Tony hopes to be inside this winter with a place.  hasn't had any contact with his family.  For food he hustles and sells whatever he can.  Wants to go back to school get his GED and wants to go to college for forensics.  Before going back to school he wants to be off the streets first and somewhat stable.  He can't get Food Stamps because of a drug felony

Creationist is a gay African American who has been in the Larkin Youth shelter for last 6 months. He phases out at 25.  He is on SSI, has seizures and is a intravenous meth user who wants to stop.  He wants to go back to school for writing and to study the English language.  Mom knows he's gay and supports him, she lives in Riverside. He has also attempted multiple suicides.

They dined on donuts, pop tarts, string cheese, and klondike bars.

My Baptism Talk

I gave a talk at my own baptism

Friday, October 15, 2004

“Too many of us feel after the world.  Can the world give you the light that you have received, and the gospel and the hopes of heaven you have received, and the priesthood you have received?  And will you barter these things for a mess of pottage, and wallow in the filth, corruption, iniquity, and evils which abound in the world?”  John Taylor, 1876

What do we live for, and how do we live our lives.  Are our lives one that glorifies the world or glorifies our Father.  I have tried to live my life by God’s commandments, one in which honors him.  I have been serving our Father since 1992 at the age of 10.  Now I take a new journey one in which brings me closer to heaven and my Father.  As a former minister I am not giving up the call of duty as a minister but answering the higher calling to soon priesthood.  My life is being transfigured into a new greatness and a more special covenant.  I say to any investigators that may be here tonight the Book of Mormon is a true testament of our prophets and Joseph Smith and all residing prophets after him up to our current residing prophet President Hinckley are true prophets ordained by our Lord and not by man.  I know these things to be true not because anyone has told me to believe these things but because God told me these were so.

Moroni 10.3-5

Behold I would exhort you that when ye shall read these things, if it be wisdom in God that ye should read them, that you would remember how merciful the Lord hath been unto the children of men, from the creation of Adam even down until the time ye shall receive these things, and ponder it in your hearts.  And when you shall receive these things, I would exhort you that ye would ask God, the Eternal Father, in the name of Christ, if these things are not true; and if you ask with a sincere heart, with real intent, having faith in Christ, he will manifest the truth of it unto you, by the power of the Holy Ghost.  And by the power of the Holy Ghost ye may know the truth of all things.

Ask God what is true and what he wants you to believe for it is by his Word that I made my baptism covenant this day with God and became apart of the LDS family.  I choose to follow God’s will and live my life for Him and not of this world. 

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Curtain Call

I am a synthetic shell of the corpse inside
The living dead during the open curtain call
The masquerade is over and the truth is revealed
The raven quotes nevermore
To have walked in life I was dead
To walk in death I am alive
I have jumped over the moon never to return
In the storm of judgement, oppression reaks
as a disease on the homefront

The generals and commanders have retreated
and have held themselves captive in the tyranny
and ideals of self righteousness
Realizing that their legacy is entombed in cement instead of immortalized in marble

To dream is a fools errand nothing more nothing less
For  when the wick burns its final light
The stage will be no more

Katerina G. du Lac  (c) sept 28, 2010

1st piece in a series of life writings

Monday, July 12, 2010

Being Whole

This first part author unknown. This was posted July 12, 2010 on am old Facebook page and now is saved in the blog. Part 2 and part 3 are my original words. 

Being whole doesn't mean being more than you are this very moment. It is being who are this very moment. It means accepting the parts that use to make you feel ashamed and feel small. These are the parts of yourself that will allow you to connect to other people, connect to your own strength. The wounds I suffer, enables me to respond to others who suffer with compassion. Without, I might not know compassion, and neither would you without your wounds. My loneliness, which is part of my wholeness, has helped me find you in the dark. To sit with you, be with you, care about you. And when I was not willing to allow myself to be lonely, to know i needed other people, I would have never been able to sit here and find you. And I was less than whole without my loneliness, without my wounds. This is part of wholeness too, for you, for me, for everyone. Everyone of us wants to be more than who we are, wants to give more than we can give, there is something in us, in our training that says only perfect is good enough. This is an absolute setup for burning out. Each one of us, you and me, are already enough. We are exactly what is needed the ways in which we are human, our anger, our doubts our fears, and our loneliness; All of these things are exactly what is needed. Most of us have blessed and help many more people that we know, and you may just be exactly the right person for the person in front of you. Not because you are trying to be that person, but because you are really the right person to offer them a reminder of their wholeness to evoke their strength just but who you are in your presence in ways we may never know about. It's not our expertise that blesses people, its our humanist. When you know this about yourself nobody in your presence ever needs to feel alone or lonely; and you yourself will never feel alone or lonely either. So reach out for your loneliness, may you be blessed by it. May it allow you to connect to all people everywhere, to all wholeness in people everywhere. Even the wholeness that is in you so that it shines. And reminds people where their home is. May you serve with everything you know and everything you are. 

I am abundantly filled with joy, promise and purpose. I have a desire to soar in my moments. At this very moment I am whole, I am me. Regardless of hurt, emotions, the past at this very moment I am complete I am whole. Every past experience, both positive and negative within my duality has made me the woman I am today. There are a lot of things I need to deal with. However, I am whole in dealing with it. When the chapters of the past are closed , I will still be whole.

It may still take effort and trials to realize the wholeness at times. I am going to cultivate the garden of my life. i may not always like the pitstops, get fooled by the oasis's and sommetimes get lost in the dark and in the woods; but this, my journey, and on this path of life i am living and these experiences may me whole. It's how I deal with them that determines if I find my peace and solace. These truths flow with the energy within; they are there and have always been and will always be. It's using their torchlight in the darkest parts of the journey and remembering them when needed to get me through.

For life is no Emerald City, behind the green glasses you see what you want to see; however, when you remove the glasses you see the dirt, the grime and everything you did not want to believe was true.


Being whole and realizing your wholeness is about living in the moment. We can't change the past whether its a second ago, a minute, hour, week , month or year it is the past. Nor can we change the future because the future is not yet here. But we can change the moment that we are living in and subsequent moments later. For as I even right this many moments have past. I have been finding strength as well as empowerment living in the moment, and dealing with but not living in the past. For it is every aspect of our lives that we can find wholeness in, that makes us who we are. Even the parts that could make you ashamed, hurt, or even the happiness makes us completely who we are.

Live in the moment. Live life, Love life.

I am so blessed by the support and love of my family of me living in my duality and thank them for that. I am happy, full of love and grace. I thank Heavenly Father and powers at be for the foundation I have and the freedom and empowerment that is given to me daily. I am not afraid of any aspect of my wholeness and I live my life defending what I hold true, all encompassing faith, religion and family and much. I have no regrets in life for everything has made me who I am today, I have only compassion for the experiences i have and compassion for those who go through the same. My story is unique one in which i find strength and don't mind sharing but while its unique its one that others share also in this life stream. May we all find peace and solace within and realize and celebrate our wholeness-the good and the bad.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

SF Board of Supervisors LGBT Homeless and Shelters address

Good afternoon ladies and gentleman of the board, and Mr. Chairman. I'm Dr. Kathryn du Lac and as woman, I left Salt Lake City to further my career in the Social Service and outreach field in San Francisco, i found myself victim to theft in Palm Springs where my laptop, wallet, identification and all my money for my move were stolen; leaving me with a savings that since been depleted.

Never would I have thought that a person of my status would ever find herself wondering where her next meal is coming from, having to find showers, sleeping in her car to landing up in a shelter where privacy dignity is taken away and treated as a prisoner of poverty. It doesn't matter about ones education or work background, becoming homeless can happen to anyone.

There are no manuals or field guides that say welcome to being homeless, no tea party that reassures you its ok to be living on the streets. For many as with myself, it happens in a split second, with no warning. IT is a scary time and place filled with unknowns whether you are from the city or just moved here.

For many transgender women and men they find themselves in uncomfortable places due to their identity and what body parts they may or not have, No privacy to properly prepare themselves for the day and jobs. They end finding themselves isolating themselves for protection and falling deeper into drug addiction to cope. Others turn to prostitution because it seems to be the only way to make money to survive in turn raise the spread of HIV. We are in need of shelters and housing where all people are safe and comfortable.

Many transgender are able bodied and willing to work and yet we find workforce discrimination. If we can provide jobs and housing we can reduce the spread of HIV and reduce homelessness.

It is said San Francisco is the most progressive city in the United States than lets stand for equal rights, protections and lets BE THE CHANGE in peoples lives.

If Salt Lake City with the backing of the LDS church can pass a non- discriminatory housing and workforce bill to protect LGBT especially transgender with monitoring in effect to guarantee diverse workplace. We can step up and make a change.

Give people a chance to make a life for themselves and help them get off public assistance and become self sufficient.

Again I implore you Board of Supervisors, Mr. Chairman BE THE CHANGE

Thank you

Monday, February 22, 2010



 from Jonathen Cummings blog

Friday Night, my macbook pro, brand new ipod, and wallet with everything was lost or stolen from over by the village Pub.  last thing I remember I had it under my seat when i was eating and really don't remember if i picked it up or not when i went straight to my car.  My laptop is my window to the world and had all of my video editing software and such on it.  not in the greatest of moods

So im stranded in a town with very little communication abilities and no money or place to go.    Life is not fair. I'd do anything to get my laptop back /

Nobody's turned anything into the police the pub knows nothing and im left alone

Thursday, February 18, 2010


Ughh....... from Jonathen Cummings blog

Not in the best of moods, in Palm Springs now which is a good thing and I have been meeting great people, however due to shoot with SXvideo being postponed the money i was counting on from that is not there and thus my cash flow is non existent and I'm waiting for 2 direct deposits in to my accounts.  On top of that with planning on the money form Sx to buy more I am out diapers.  mine cost me about $80 for a case of 88 and take s about three days to get them.  So right now i'm wearing good nights and going through about quite a bit compare to my diapers, the grocery stores don't really diapers anymore especially not ones that work. And again need diapers for medical reason. But I wont deny the baby side. Ive been trying to do massages here in Palm Springs and i have people schedule massages then cancel at last minute. happened 5 times today.  Integrity men goes a long way.  So hopefully i can get some massages done or even escorting which is usually my last resort to get my diapers ASAP

Response and Correction to fetish Entry NSFW

Response and correction to fetish entry from Jonathen Cumming's blog

Actually in response to a previous post I made about fetishes; being an adult baby is not a fetish, not a life style, it is part of who I am.  Ever since 6 i have always felt I was still a baby.  I like to be nurture cared for, and treated like a baby. I dress in baby/toddler clothes because i feel comfortable, because it feels right.  I go in pubic wearing short coveralls with elmo on it and printed shirt with fire engines on it. and I don't feel embarassed or even notice stares or anything its who I am.  Me being an adult baby isn't a sexual thing for me its wear i feel most comfortable in age. Sexual situations are nice once in awhile but for me thats not what it is about.  I can be an adult when needed to be dress as and adult and i look good as an adult, but im still a baby inside and would rather be wearing toddler clothes.  I wear diapers 24/7 due to about 40-50 percent loss control of bladder due to and accident already.  Just like i can't change my bladder problem i can't change how I feel.  I feel whole and complete in toddler clothers. I actually want a nursery with a crib and everything. There is not say I will never grow up, but in this stage of my life im a toddler and like to be treated that way. I want Daddy and/or Mommy i just want to be be me.

Also its the same thing I feel about womens clothing, and such I have always thought since the earliest i can remember that i should and suppose to be a girl.  Like adult baby this is something i have thought about for many years daily.  I like be a guy but I more comfortable as a women.  Im thinking about transitioning but we have to see.  i feel comfortable as a women and a baby.  And again this isn't a sexual thing its who I believe i trully am. Yes there is sexual situations but its not the element and has little to do with me being a women.  However in life I have remained pretty masculine unlike the being a baby I know I am a women but it is getting harder and harder to be comfortable in womens clothing only its at the time where i need to transition however i need to have a support group I can trust that will remain by my side through everything and will not run when things get rough.  Actually was suppose to have such person in my life but I not quite sure anymore about how this person feels even though the pledge of support bonding everything was intiated by this person) will shortly and Ill update.

Any questions as always feel free to ask.  And being an adult baby or diaper lover as some are is not a thing that has anything to do with children it has to with regression age wise to where each individual feels most comfortable.

Clearing Headspace

Clearing Head Space from Jonathen Cummings Blog

This trip is about clearing headspace, making some important decisions about my life and a lot to figure out, and taking much needed time to sort everything out in my life.  I'm going to start writing again and work on reconnecting with myself and just be happy in life.  Looking for friends especially 18 -28 but all may apply also sex is always great but would love to meet people for just intelligent conversation.

Money is running short due to a cancelled shoot trying to do massages and seems most people are not happy with legit massages hey i have escort rates smiles.

Trying to live my life to best i can.

Trying to find men with integrity and those who don't play games.  If i schedule something with you please show up, and if you say you are going to do something please keep your word.  It screws up schedules and time that I could get a massage client if needed. Your integrity is the most important thing you have in life, please be Men and not boys when its comes to your word. 

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

A guy of many fetishes NSFW

I am a guy of many fetishes and have helped other live out theirs. I've laid majority of them out on the line  however, i don't care what people think anymore and if you have a problem tough.  I am a adult baby i love diapers and i have to wear them for medical reasons also.  I love be changed by guys and girls and dressed in baby clothes at home by a big brother, daddy, mommy or friends.  I also like to do drag and love women's clothing also.  For me it hot, i am masculine but relate more as a women.  Doesn't however mean we have to and/or act on these fetishes.its not required for sex. And just because i am and adult baby doesn't mean i get into children.  I dont play with anyone under 18



thanks to a friend for loaning mr his leather this was taken today

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Take Responsibility

Take Responsibility from Jonathen Cumming's Blog

As a bareback porn star and someone who is a bottom who barebacks in his personal life I want to talk about the importance of getting tested and taking responsibility for your life.  As someone who barebacks I know the risks and willing to face the risks of HIV and other STD's any disease or evening getting HIV would be my fault and no one else's that I contracted a STD. Even is someone were to lie about their status it is your fault if you contracted a STD because you are the one who makes the conscience choice to bareback.  There are also many who don't care if they get the HIV virus or not, others who want it, and many who don't know their status.

I encourage everyone to know their status and get tested regularly.  For those bottoms who love taking a creamy load up the ass,  make sure you use plenty of lube and lube your hole well in order to prevent ripping, its only when a rip occurs at the opening that there is a chance to receive the virus otherwise just depositing it in your ass you could take hundreds of poz loads and with out the rip you would still remain safe.  Tops have less to worry about when they are topping a POZ bottom, unless the top has cuts on his penis and comes in contact with a rip in the bottom hes topping he has slim to no chance receiving the bottom.  I am not going to tell people to use condoms but I will tell people to Take Responsibility.

I get so frustrated when people play the victim and said he lied to me and are angry with the person who infected them when you are the one who chose to bareback and be the bottom.  Again I am poz friendly but have remained negative.  I know all the risks for my own actions and everything is my own fault.  I'm allergic to condoms and I enjoy the feel of being fucked naturally so even if someone lied to me about their status I know the risks of my actions and would only be able to find blame in myself.  By saying this I'm not giving permission for people to lie about their status I think people still need to be honest with their partners about their status and get tested regularly and know your status.  For those who don't care even you need to know your status so you can get the help you need when if you are POZ and people have the right to know your status even though they should go in with the mind set everyone one you bareback with is POZ especially you are the bottom.

And take this philosophy in life with anything,  Know your risks, know all possible outcomes and know in the end except for certain circumstances beyond your control you are responsible for your own actions.  PLEASE GET TESTED REGULARLY and HAVE FUN.   There are many places you can go to in your area for free or reduced price testing but regardless don't put a price on not getting tested.  If you honestly can't afford it, contact me and I will pay for your test for you.  I won't send you money but i will call and pay for your test for you.  So no Excuses.

REAL MEN HAVE INTEGRITY- Integrity separates the Men from the Boys- Make integrity to yourself and others the most important thing in your life

Friday, February 12, 2010

butt plug

butt plug from Jonathen Cummings blog

just past the 45 min mark with a large butt plug in my ass my record yet.  Its getting easier and easier to take it and keep in longer.  However starting to cramp no way I make a trip to San Diego yet driving with it in, however that time will come  smiles.  Ill take it with me and reinsert it later.  Lets stretch this hole  smiles.

Bought  a new iPod yesterday much needed San Diego is going ok not as much action as expected.  Probably going to go to club San Diego today and I have been invited to TJ tonight which I've only ever been to the Animal so we will see how my day goes hopefully a lot of fun and sluttiness.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Slowly Moving

Slowly moving from Jonathen Cummings blog

The Search for a new publisher for my Grandfather's book is going no where, as I hold the rights to the book as given by my grandfather and his current publisher (just a small publisher who did a favor for my grandfather since my grandfather did artwork for him), I need to find a publisher that can handle the mass distribution and publishing of the book so I can work on getting a bigger budget for its movie counterpart.  Im actually doing the second revision and would love to see it his mainline stores before we begin production for the movie.  As long as I quite turning down budgets.  So Im still searching, I have my publicist just need a literary agent for the book.

San Diego is beautiful but totally changed, Hillcrest and North Park doesn't seem as vibrant as once was, less rainbow flags line the street, MO's (formerly Hamburger Mary's isn't as goddy as once was, and the appeal for San Diego just is there anymore as if the glasses have been removed and the decay of the Emerald City is trully what is being seen.  Hopefully Palm Springs and San Francisco don't disappoint.

I really need to start scheduling massages, I'll wait to Palm Springs.

Back has been bothering me more, also my back is full of knots that won't go away as well as I have a hard time finding anyone to work them out of me with out hurting me.  Can I trade in my body for a new model.

Well its time for some therapy-SHOPPING or at least window browsing so until later.  Feeel free to leave comments as always or send me messages.  And if you feel like I am ignoring you, its not the case I get so many emails on Barebackrt,, and personal email it takes me a bit to respond to everyone.   And Please have picture or be prepared to send one as well be a gentlemen and say more than hi, lets fuck, or whatever.  Im an intellectual I like to talk and get to know people.  Yes i am on here to play but class goes a lot further with me and moves you to the front of the line.

I like to kiss cuddle and talk, i like more than just fucking I am a person, can be a slut but im not only a bottom to be used, I have a bottom to be appreciated


Lets have fun

Lets have Fun from Jonathen Cummings blog

Saw Avatar last night absolutely great. Hot Movie.  tonight think I may get a new tattoo will see.  if someone wants to pay for it hey ill put their initials into it lol.  

I don't bite unless asked too so hit me up, and as I have said before I lay everything out on the line and if you don't like it tough, this is me and this is me being honest with you,  Integrity and Honesty goes far in my book.

I do have sex with a lot of people matter of fact i make it my mission of late, I sleep with people for free and as many as I have time for, however with me being on this trip, the funds can run load.  So massage clients and Generous Men who like to help out move to the front of the line, I will move schedules and everything else around for them.

Massage I have been working as a LMT since 2000, and specialize in erotic, tui na, myofascial release, relaxation, aromatherapy, relaxation, and hypnotherapy (relaxation techniques only wont make you quack like a duck or anything)  as well as in meditative massage

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Life is good

Life is good from Jonathen Cummings blog

Met with SXVideo yesterday and looks like the next video Jonathen will be doing with them is a FF one.  Looks my ass is soon to be off on another adventure.

Also getting requests to be in other states and cities, if you want me in your area by a non refundable or exchangeable round trip ticket and ill be there.  ( i say non refundable and stuff that way you have the peace of mine that ill actually show up.) However when i  say I'm going to do something i do it.


Sunday, February 7, 2010

;0) from Jonathen Cummings Blog

Last night met two really nice gentlemen enjoyed the cuddling and conversation (two different times).  Life is definately worth living and is meant to have fun.  As I spent a nice chunk of my trip fixing my car, im realizing I really need to get some massages, Porn shoots, and photoshoots done to bring in some of my income income tax will only go so far as well as my rental deposit.  Its been a week tomorrow since I left Salt Lake and it doesn't seem that long.  Today is Super Bowl Sunday-  Go Saints.  Goals that i want to accomplish this year besides what I wrote on previous blog,
  1. go back to school and finish my degree in film and drama therapy,
  2. GO TO EUROPE (everytime  i get the money for Europe something happens so i have to start alll over again.)  
  3. Have a state of the Art Website made (actually 2 one for Jonathen Cummings  and also redo C'est La Vie's website)
  4. Replace my Digital SLR (which was stolen)
  5. Get some new clothes that fit lol Ive lost weight,
  6. Build Jonathen Cummings name

Three Charities I directly suppport are:
  1. BCE/FA  -Broadway Cares Equaity Fights Aids
  2. BACA- Bikers against Child Abuse
  3. HRC- Human Rights Campaign
Also support breast cancer awareness and attend many charity events, I love black tie charity events and love good fundraisers.

I love going to the symphony, opera, and ballet dressed in a tux, love gallery openings and i think we should all get back to dressing up for dinner.

I was born with a wooden spoon in my mouth and raised myself with silver spoon.  I like the finer things in life  and not afraid to admit it.

Please leave comments on my blogs and feel free to ask questions

Friday, February 5, 2010

Goals and such

Goals and such  from Jonathen Cummings Blog

OK.  Lets make this blog more than just a few line entries.  Lets make it interactive.  Please feel free to leave comments and such.  This blog needed to embody this trip it needs to tell the story of the journey.  Hey I'll admit I'm a slut so the I think the blog needs to show that and how many people I've been with each day.  If you want to know something just ask, i have nothing to hide.

Goals for trip.
  • keeping cell phone bill paid
  • keeping car insurance paid
  • raising enough money and buy ticket to backpack across Europe  (or find someone to go with as their Arm Candy.
  • Start raising enough money to start buying my equipment for C'est la vie entertainment
  • Replace my Stolen Digital SLR
  • Replace My leather
  • Build Jonathen Cummings name
  • Possibly Find a Daddy
  • Have fun
Looks like I am going to need to do a lot of Porn smiles

Life is pretty good right now.  I'm not going to sugar coat this blog, I going give the good and the bad keeps things interesting that way.

Last night arrived in Vista, crashing right now on my Best friends couch, couch is ok.  Just missing old bed and my housekeeper I'm going have to my own laundry, no fun at all.  I need to do some cooking love to cook.  write more later

OH AND I NEED TO GET LAID!!!! Oh wow its been almost a week in a half, losing touch jumping back in the saddle now.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

San Diego here i come

San Diego here i come from Jonathen Cummings Blog

replacing that other tire this morning fun fun fun..... and then off to San Diego I go.   iwill be in SD until about 17th or 18th then PS  and the to SF prob end of first week in Mar

Update Driving through San Bernadino on my way to Vista.   I'm here all you studs

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Alignment done

Originally from Jonathen Cumming's blog

Got my alignment done today and I'm going to have to replace the tire i just replace a month of ago because tread is gone on the inside.   Ugh.  San Diego here i come tomorrow morning

Tuesday, February 2, 2010


...... Originally from Jonathen Cummings Blog

$78 for tire and found out i need an alignment to prevent tires from shredding again which will be $69 plus tax.  Lets just say started off with about 700 for the trip down to $540 before the alignment

the trip has started

the trip has started from Jonathen Cummings blog

Left Salt lake City yesterday and will be staying in St. George for a couple of days.  Blew a tire on the way here so need to get that fixed to today.  So there foes some of trip fund.  Will be in San Diego by Thursday the 4th.   and looking at mid Feb for Palm Springs unless i get called up to SF first for work with Treasure Island Media.

About me im a slut, like sex so feel free to contact me, im not an escort.  I like it bareback anything goes hot nasty fun.  Im Neg.  as of Jan 8, 2010.  Poz friendly been with many poz guys in my life and still neg.  I'm the bottom  smiles.  Looking for places to stay as i am in your city,  whether its for one night or few nights,  until I get my cash flow flowing with the porn money again i must rely on the generosity of good men.  Will clean nude for you, massage or whatever.  Also available for photo shoots

A bit more about me

A bit more about me from Jonathen Cummings Blog

I own my own Entertainment and Media Company as well as Talent Agency, C'est La Vie Entertainment and Media.  I am a director/producer actor/model in the cinematic world versus porn.  I have also had the privilege in being able to come on board as Asst. Casting Director for a few films. I have been in High School Musical 3, Waiting For Forever, The Mine,  and a few others.  I have a movie in the works based off my grandfathers book and just waiting for a decent budget.  I turned down the first offer which was 155,000 and the second offer which was 250,000.  We will be dealing with Live action and CGI for this Children's Christmas movie.

C'est La Vie Entertainment and Media is geared toward working with at Risk Youth, and providing a more positive outlet in channeling their anger frustration and problems into something constructive as film giving them a chance to learn the film industry and give them opportunities both behind and in front of the camera, instead of getting into trouble.  Also C'est La Vie Entertainment is about giving everyone a chance to be in the movies, regardless of skill level and work with each person to get them where they need and want to be within the industry.  C'est La Vie Entertainment never charges for any of its services.

Also I am working hard and soon hopefully learn grant writing in order to get the quality cameras and equipment and mac computers needed to finally getting us moving in the direction in which we need to be as a company and to be successful