Thursday, February 18, 2010

Response and Correction to fetish Entry NSFW

Response and correction to fetish entry from Jonathen Cumming's blog

Actually in response to a previous post I made about fetishes; being an adult baby is not a fetish, not a life style, it is part of who I am.  Ever since 6 i have always felt I was still a baby.  I like to be nurture cared for, and treated like a baby. I dress in baby/toddler clothes because i feel comfortable, because it feels right.  I go in pubic wearing short coveralls with elmo on it and printed shirt with fire engines on it. and I don't feel embarassed or even notice stares or anything its who I am.  Me being an adult baby isn't a sexual thing for me its wear i feel most comfortable in age. Sexual situations are nice once in awhile but for me thats not what it is about.  I can be an adult when needed to be dress as and adult and i look good as an adult, but im still a baby inside and would rather be wearing toddler clothes.  I wear diapers 24/7 due to about 40-50 percent loss control of bladder due to and accident already.  Just like i can't change my bladder problem i can't change how I feel.  I feel whole and complete in toddler clothers. I actually want a nursery with a crib and everything. There is not say I will never grow up, but in this stage of my life im a toddler and like to be treated that way. I want Daddy and/or Mommy i just want to be be me.

Also its the same thing I feel about womens clothing, and such I have always thought since the earliest i can remember that i should and suppose to be a girl.  Like adult baby this is something i have thought about for many years daily.  I like be a guy but I more comfortable as a women.  Im thinking about transitioning but we have to see.  i feel comfortable as a women and a baby.  And again this isn't a sexual thing its who I believe i trully am. Yes there is sexual situations but its not the element and has little to do with me being a women.  However in life I have remained pretty masculine unlike the being a baby I know I am a women but it is getting harder and harder to be comfortable in womens clothing only its at the time where i need to transition however i need to have a support group I can trust that will remain by my side through everything and will not run when things get rough.  Actually was suppose to have such person in my life but I not quite sure anymore about how this person feels even though the pledge of support bonding everything was intiated by this person) will shortly and Ill update.

Any questions as always feel free to ask.  And being an adult baby or diaper lover as some are is not a thing that has anything to do with children it has to with regression age wise to where each individual feels most comfortable.

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Thank you for your comment an/or question. it make take time to respond due to traveling abroad 2017.
