Thursday, March 25, 2010

SF Board of Supervisors LGBT Homeless and Shelters address

Good afternoon ladies and gentleman of the board, and Mr. Chairman. I'm Dr. Kathryn du Lac and as woman, I left Salt Lake City to further my career in the Social Service and outreach field in San Francisco, i found myself victim to theft in Palm Springs where my laptop, wallet, identification and all my money for my move were stolen; leaving me with a savings that since been depleted.

Never would I have thought that a person of my status would ever find herself wondering where her next meal is coming from, having to find showers, sleeping in her car to landing up in a shelter where privacy dignity is taken away and treated as a prisoner of poverty. It doesn't matter about ones education or work background, becoming homeless can happen to anyone.

There are no manuals or field guides that say welcome to being homeless, no tea party that reassures you its ok to be living on the streets. For many as with myself, it happens in a split second, with no warning. IT is a scary time and place filled with unknowns whether you are from the city or just moved here.

For many transgender women and men they find themselves in uncomfortable places due to their identity and what body parts they may or not have, No privacy to properly prepare themselves for the day and jobs. They end finding themselves isolating themselves for protection and falling deeper into drug addiction to cope. Others turn to prostitution because it seems to be the only way to make money to survive in turn raise the spread of HIV. We are in need of shelters and housing where all people are safe and comfortable.

Many transgender are able bodied and willing to work and yet we find workforce discrimination. If we can provide jobs and housing we can reduce the spread of HIV and reduce homelessness.

It is said San Francisco is the most progressive city in the United States than lets stand for equal rights, protections and lets BE THE CHANGE in peoples lives.

If Salt Lake City with the backing of the LDS church can pass a non- discriminatory housing and workforce bill to protect LGBT especially transgender with monitoring in effect to guarantee diverse workplace. We can step up and make a change.

Give people a chance to make a life for themselves and help them get off public assistance and become self sufficient.

Again I implore you Board of Supervisors, Mr. Chairman BE THE CHANGE

Thank you