Sunday, August 19, 2012

ALC 12- Let's do this- Am I crazy?

 This originally was posted to "ALC 12: Katerina- A Beginners Ride and Journey to 545 Miles in 7 Days"

I don't know if I am crazy or not, okay I am crazy just ask anyone who knows me, point is what am I doing? I made a decision when I joined the gym earlier this month that I might as well train for the AIDS LifeCycle as well, a 545 mile ride from San Francisco to Los Angeles in 7 days-- June 2-8, 2013.  I did my two first rides this weekend which soared over most expectations even min as I am told most beginners barely do five let alone 10 and they don't do 22 miles especially since it was my first day on a bike in at least 6 years. To top it off I did 30 miles of a 37 mile ride the today just to try and beginners do not ride 50 miles their first weekend. 22 miles is ambitious enough let alone doing 50 in one weekend is insanely overzealous and the best part I am enjoying every moment of it. What wonderful support I found this weekend; the encouragement, support and camaraderie is uncanny ALC and pos ped riders really care about one another its a community of love and friendship and one huge family.

If you were to ask me 2 months ago to do this ride I would have said you were crazy, I have too many health problems i would been able to ride 2 miles let alone 22 miles and doing Sauscilito Lateral one the first time out with out cross training.  However the beginning of this month after returning from my travels, my health to a miraculous turn for the better and with new found strength and energy I am getting in shape and getting my diet regulated.  My sugar is completely out of whack it keeps jumping high and low, and I had already cut the sugar out of my body for a month now and I am type II diabetic diet controlled, so my biggest goal is to get my diet and sugar under control as it is dropping alarming low.  I just started Visalus this week, so I am excited to be trying this supplement. My fundraising goal is 5k which is reasonable for a first year rider.  As a new rider I am also one of the newest pos ped or positive peddler, a rider who is HIV positive or has an AIDS diagnosis and their supporters.

I have such a passion to do this ride and I WILL DO IT!!!!!