Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Relationships in Recovery:

The NA workbook is painstakingly thorough.  Im grateful this part of my sobriety, after just  completely the steps I asked my sponsor if we can do the steps again from the workbook this time. I did not know what I was getting myself into. I would not have been ready until now to do this and be thorough about my addiction. I told my Higher Power I wanted to get back into writing, this isnt what I meant....

I can not, nor will not, i realized be in a relationship with an addict who doesn't work a program,  do the steps, work with a sponsor as my program for recovery,  my solution won't allow it. Even in non relationships  im told I hide behind my recovery. I don't hide I live it. I know what awaits me if I relapse.  I realized as im doing my stepwork the thought of a partner relapsing when in a relationship scares me as I don't know if I'd be strong enough to not go out with my partner.

When I came to these rooms I had anger, resentments, stubborness, and thought I knew everything. I was newly diagnosed HIV+ within the last month. I went to meetings by freak chance after I stopped in the Castro Country Club for coffee and someone invited me into a meeting not knowing what it was, I went because I had nothing else to do. I shared how angry I was over last couple months and how Crystal destroyed my life. I found a sponsor or he found me. Still unsure what a sponsor was, I was sure I need a sponsor.  At least I had met someone in the city. I half assed worked the steps as I got bored quickly and stopped doing step work and stopped going to meetings.  I had gotten clean by myself and was doing a good job taken care of things in my will. After I hit a year meetings were fewer and far between until non existent. By the time 2 years was approaching I was putting feelers out manipulating the situation about looking for drugs and I found.

My stubborness and willfulness got me sober again without my program and I left for my film production to trip in 2012. And I was using and slamming meth and coke. More so the coke. I ruined by chances on a soap opera as i was still coming down 2 weeks from time production rolled around. I also allowed not having a program to work ruin relationships with people because i had to be the badass and full of resentments? Whats a fourth step? Then on the trip when I hit Iowa my disease of alcoholism took over and I drank like a fish to deal with people. One day I had enough and put the glass down. I was a social drinker right? But I did it myself again just stopped but I got a sponsor anyways when I got back to San Francisco.

Here I became willful again I knew what was good for me so I started to push my sponsor away because she made me face myself. She kept it real. I wanted an excuse to use. I went to meetings, worked the steps, half assed did service commitments and I was a mess and holding hostages. Therapy helped some, DBT was a godsend, but I creating wreckage and I did not know how to stop. So I got a new sponsor after treating the previous one like shit inadvertently not because I wanted to but I was afraid to take down my walls and She was breaking through and my defense mechanism from past abuse is to run and push people away. Psych meds were out of control as well. I got a new sponsor, worked with 4 sponsored started to be accountable to service and then I started getting bored and I let down my guard and I went out.

I was out and could not get more than a week clean. Did not help I was doing 40 different things, OD'd, and used because I beat myself up, then beat myself up for using and the cycle happened. It became about the ritual, the next high, filming it, romanticizing it, finding new ways to slam and making list of fetishes to incorporate slamming into. I became obsessed mentally over things and willing to cross every hard limit. I came back not because i wanted to but because I was worried about what others thought and that initial saved my life while creating resentments and apathy for a program, fellowship,  people, and ultimately at myself. I blamed living in the tenderloin and my dealers living in my building, but I got sober in the tenderloin. The difference in my life today is I learned that my stubbornness was only going to get me killed or in jail, my will was no longer enough. I learned what surrender was to a power greater than myself, that I was broken and shattered, that I can not live without working and living a program of recovery daily in all aspects of my life, being of service,  having three sponsors and learned through the program how to live life on life's terms. While I can not be an arbitrator of another's program or solution I know better than to settle. Ive come a long way. Ideally I want someone sober in my life but I refused to be unequally yoked in knowing what Promises guarantee and in serenity, peace, sanity and not being able to share the most intimate parts of my life that recovery brings me. Normies are nice but when knows.  I am grateful for the gifts of recovery in my life. And the foundation I have today. It's hard to admit this. I would like to believe some people don't need the rooms, i actually do believe it. I just know me. A partner not making the rooms part of their life as an addict/alcoholic I would use it as an excuse not to go to meetings or work a program either. Maybe this isnt realistic,  I don't know, I just know what I spent the last 5 hours thinking about and all I can do is surrender the rest to a Higher Powers Will. I say this as I get obsessive and controllng on how things should/need be in my life that its not always practical.  I just know what I feel in this moment and that is my recovery comes first.  Truthfully I  think everyone regardless if they have an addiction problem or not should work the steps as it is helpful in lives, but me trying to describe the joy, love,  healing and beauty working a program of recovery in its entirety is like describing colors to a blind person.  It needs to be experienced.

Friday, August 15, 2014

You had me at hi -150 words

"You had me at hi," he said. "Really? Wait are you talking to me?" was the response. Here a tall beautiful blued eyed very good looking man stood in front of me, who cared about the blood all over his shirt. He stopped when I said hi, most just keep on walking. "Yes I am talking to you who else would I be talking to?" I looked around to see if anyone was around. "You have amazing eyes," I stated. "Thank you, you are simply beautiful yourself." I don't know if I'm starved for love but the hand hanging out of his messenger bag didn't bother me for some strange reason. "You are not from around here are you?" he asked inquisitively. "No I just moved here.'' "Hmmm, Well I'm throwing a party, I can introduce you to others?" "I'd like that." "My name's Hannibal." "Jessica." I'm a little short-handed"………

Silent Deadly Disease-- Robin Williams did not Kill himself

Addiction and Mental Health can be and often times is a deadly disease. Combine the two and it becomes even deadlier. Ive known people tragically loss to both, i see it in the eyes of some in and out if the rooms or those I pass on the street. I saw it monthly if not weekly in the Tenderloin at my place at the Ambassador, hell if it hadn't been for Harlan in Aug 2013 as he would tell you it was me. I was lucky to be pulled out of the roach infested, feces covered, trash litter, junk piled space as if you looked into my eyes my disease of addiction and mental health was killing me quickly and the light had all but gone out. I dont share this to be look at me but to illustrate a picture what people dont see. It consumes and kills it removes choice and rationale from us. This is a very well put well articulated piece and would encourage highly that people read this. If people can learn one thing i would encourage people to reserve judgement as these are often silent diseases and people are crying for help louder than you think, but because we are a society to busy and detached from on another we do not see or hear what is screaming right in front of us.


the following blog link is not of my authorship but a piece a think all should read.  note after this was posted on Facebook also found out he had Parkinson's Disease

God said love your enemy

God said "Love your Enemy," and I obeyed Him and loved myself  - Khalil Gibran

Thursday, August 14, 2014

Al-anon Ah-ha moment

That moment when you get that ah-ha Al-anon moment and it finally becomes clear and makes sense.

In Al-anon we learn to accept the things we cannot change (the alcoholic) and change the things we can (ourselves). To recover we have to learn to keep the focus on ourselves. [Insert whatever qualifiers for alcoholic].... By letting go of the illusion of control over other people, their actions, and their addiction to Alcohol, we find an enormous burden is lifted and we begin to discover the freedom and the power we do possess- the power to define and live our own lives- Unmanageability lessens. We begin to see the paths to our own recovery......
Pg 9-10 Paths to Recovery
— reading Paths to Recovery Al-anon's steps, traditions, and concepts.

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

feeling not my best

I'm finding it hard to surrender my fears on health matters. Neuropathy has reared its ugly head again in full force, chronic fatigue has been persistent, my hands and legs are on pins and needles. I'm not walking as well either and I'm waking up just as exhausted. And sick and nauseous. Its been a couple years I have felt like this outside of addiction. I'm correlating this with the only thing different in my life is stress and working graveyards

I refuse to go back to a life of being miserable and in poor health


Monday, August 11, 2014

Answers and strengthening

I'm grateful for the rooms and recovery programs i belong to. Both meetings I heard exactly what my Higher Power wanted me to hear and what I needed to hear. Ive been in pain and anguish over something as of late, and been asking and praying for guidance in this matter and as I walk to work I'm doing my daily 10th step in my head asking have I done everything humanly possible in these situations, and the answer was NO. While it may not change anything, the steps my program teaches me i need to he honest in all my doings and part of being honest is sharing how I feel about what is going on and whats happening. That things can not continue the way things are going, and i need to stand by my boundaries and not budge. Knowing i am not going to drink or use over the situation then I have an obligation in good faith to let this other party do with the info as they wish and go from there. I have been strengthened by my fellowships as I reached out in time of need and only after I share whats going on then i can surrender the process. I seek divine guidance in being able to Speak up and Woman up as i am a strong woman. 

Answers and strengthening

I'm grateful for the rooms and recovery programs i belong to. Both meetings I heard exactly what my Higher Power wanted me to hear and what I needed to hear. Ive been in pain and anguish over something as of late, and been asking and praying for guidance in this matter and as I walk to work I'm doing my daily 10th step in my head asking have I done everything humanly possible in these situations, and the answer was NO. While it may not change anything, the steps my program teaches me i need to he honest in all my doings and part of being honest is sharing how I feel about what is going on and whats happening. That things can not continue the way things are going, and i need to stand by my boundaries and not budge. Knowing i am not going to drink or use over the situation then I have an obligation in good faith to let this other party do with the info as they wish and go from there. I have been strengthened by my fellowships as I reached out in time of need and only after I share whats going on then i can surrender the process. I seek divine guidance in being able to Speak up and Woman up as i am a strong woman. 

Saturday, August 2, 2014

Pen to Paper- being restored to sanity Aug 2, 2014

My sponsor recently told me he wants me to put pen to paper before putting it into digital format, to make my thoughts more tangible. What better way than now. I'm feeling restless and uncomfortable at the moment as I am here at work in a vast empty room alone to my own thoughts. I have never been able to watch "Pulp Fiction" all the way through, I've only seen bits and pieces to it and I don't think I have ever seen the beginning of it, if I had I don't remember otherwise I wouldn't have tried watching it. Within the first 15 minutes of it I am guessing I was put into a bad headspace….. I was put into this headspace after they showed the flash of blood. The vibrant red swirl from pulling back the syringe plunger and as a visual person that visual was powerful enough to freak me out and took me back to the end of my addiction when it became about the ritualization more so than using. I had enter into a dark realm where I did not believe there was an escape to ever be had. I was willing to cross every hard limit I had and would have landed in jail and or death. All reason was gone, the drugs had control and there wasn't any humanely escape. I had had enough but I was trapped. I fell flat on my face metaphorically; I was broken and shattered, I was lost. I am exhausted as I write this, but it's good to write this.
I am connected and interconnected today in the fellowships because of service. Service keeps me sober especially at the levels I am in service. I was lifted out of darkness when I had no human will left, I was done and defeated and that is when I found redemption and restoration in a will and within a Power Greater than myself. I was restored to sanity which no human power could do and I learned to surrender and let it go. Through the use of and the incorporation of the steps, working with a sponsor, being of service, going to meetings, and the use of CBT (Cognitive Behavior Therapy not Cock Ball Torture for my perverted friends) and DBT (Dialectical Behavior Therapy) skills a new foundation had been laid and I started to see the miracles of sobriety or Promises transform my life for the better. I was no longer allowed to sit in judgment of myself nor was I allowed to use labels to demonize myself. I found an interconnectedness within the Divine that wasn't codependent on faith or religion. I begin to love myself, believe I was worth it, that I deserve good things and a great life. In doing so I got the job, the place, gave up my subsidies, working on getting off social security and most importantly I learned to be present, to belong to myself so that I could unselfishly belong to others. I acknowledge that I haven't worked a perfect program that I have worked saved my life. I'm living life on life's terms and this solution has gotten to me where I am today. I know a new sense of belonging. The feelings of emptiness and loneliness have disappeared and I am finding new ways of interconnecting in the Divine. Today I get to nurture the goddess within. I'm still having a hard time shaking the visualization from the movie but it lessens as I keep writing pen to paper. I am reminded how destructive my addiction was when the tears started to roll, how the thought and images raced through m y head after seeing it on the screen , the exact thing I brooded and ritualized over in the end of my active addiction and I just felt like I was ripped open. I would rather be singled tailed right now in the moment. I find myself grateful that the desire to drink and use was lifted a long time ago.