Thursday, August 14, 2014

Al-anon Ah-ha moment

That moment when you get that ah-ha Al-anon moment and it finally becomes clear and makes sense.

In Al-anon we learn to accept the things we cannot change (the alcoholic) and change the things we can (ourselves). To recover we have to learn to keep the focus on ourselves. [Insert whatever qualifiers for alcoholic].... By letting go of the illusion of control over other people, their actions, and their addiction to Alcohol, we find an enormous burden is lifted and we begin to discover the freedom and the power we do possess- the power to define and live our own lives- Unmanageability lessens. We begin to see the paths to our own recovery......
Pg 9-10 Paths to Recovery
— reading Paths to Recovery Al-anon's steps, traditions, and concepts.

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