Friday, January 20, 2012

PRISONERS OF ZION- the Road for Temporal Equality

PRISONERS OF ZION- the Road for Temporal Equality

By Katerina du Lac
January 20, 2012

SAN FRANCISCO- Temporal Equality is part of Heavenly Father’s plan for peace on earth as well as the plan of Heaven.  Chaos, hate, violence, indifference, bigotry and discrimination have no room nor is it in the plan of happiness. While Saints are no stranger to these things, it does not give us the right to continue placing the focus onto others and is not in Heavenly Father’s blueprint for the Saints in the restored church.  As Saints we fought persecution, riots and mobs as the church moved westward and yet we now in latter days raise these mobs and riots upon our own people and families.

I believe solely that we have the restored gospel and that we are built upon the doctrines and principles of Christ’s church; therefore we need to stop resting our qualms, theories, and policies from the false interpretations from the Old Testament an human infallibility of our leaders regardless their true calling and authority by the keys Heavenly Father has given them Himself.

As a society and church we still act as victims of our westward trek, which in reality taught us the importance of family and coming together as a people, united for the preservation of Zion while brought together in commonality to stand for one another and our church; thus finding ourselves tearing apart the very fabric of preservation of all Saints choosing not to live by the greatest commandment and foundation of the church, love thy neighbor as thyself. Love one another and yet after the inception of the doctrine and principle of this church we push our loved ones to drugs, suicide, and exile from church and family because of our take on how we feel about Human Equality to our LGBTQQIAA brothers and sisters.  The lives and callings the children of Heavenly Father are living are because of the choice the made in the preexistence with their contract and convenant with Heavenly Father.  Even in the basic fundamental principle taught in missionary lessons, we tend to forget, that we came down to earth to live, to be a gift and light to all people that we may learn to be trusted with the great things of heaven. Who better to reach out to LGBT Community than that of our LGBT members. However, we chose to abuse the great things of Heaven given to us temporally, one another.

Over 100 years later the LDS church still faces persecution among societal and religious sects, especially in America, and yet we aren’t able to learn form our own suffering as we cause others top suffer by our words and actions.

We are losing precious souls in the fight for Human Equality, where we need to take a stand, as a church, for one another embracing each other and lifting them up in love and support so they have the strength and hope against the pressures outside of the church.  We pushed and caused to many souls to fall away because of our policies. Do we have a conscience about how we harm one another. It’s easy to say No LGBT Mormon would choose their life. Every spirit child chooses their life before we came to this earth, and the suffering they will face from societal pressures, however where we expect to find refuge non is found. Not only the refuge of the Temple denied to most, the refuge and foundation is also absent in the families of those who are LGBT.

How will the church survive without another divide among the church, when her body is torn on the LGBT, or Human Rights issue. If we as a church took a stand for all people, we would truly find peace in Zion on the earth as we become the ultimate beacon and light to all people worldwide, member and non member alike. For we already possess the blueprint in the law of Consecration, Service, and Hospitality for when there is peace among the people, peace among the enemies can begin.

As a LGBTQQIAA member of the church I hold fast to my baptism and temple covenants. I bear witness to the doctrine and principles of the church and sustain our priesthood leaders, and I don’t blindly accept all our policies.

A quote from a favorite book of mine, “the Stallion Warriors,” forever remains true on the road to temporal equality; “To be a LGBT Mormon is a tremendous calling. The only way that I can explain it is to think of them in this way: God’s angels, with incredibly enduring spirits.”

Until we as a church, as a great people can stand for the weak and torment, we will keep ourselves and our brothers and sisters prisoners form the great and true blessings of Heaven. Ask ourselves how we can deny rights to others and block people from fighting for their rights, when Joseph Smith told the Saints to stand your ground and we as people have rights-fight for them in court if need to but stand your ground.  The precious souls of those who are LGBT and allies will continue to fight for Temporal Equality for all God’s children.