Monday, July 12, 2010

Being Whole

This first part author unknown. This was posted July 12, 2010 on am old Facebook page and now is saved in the blog. Part 2 and part 3 are my original words. 

Being whole doesn't mean being more than you are this very moment. It is being who are this very moment. It means accepting the parts that use to make you feel ashamed and feel small. These are the parts of yourself that will allow you to connect to other people, connect to your own strength. The wounds I suffer, enables me to respond to others who suffer with compassion. Without, I might not know compassion, and neither would you without your wounds. My loneliness, which is part of my wholeness, has helped me find you in the dark. To sit with you, be with you, care about you. And when I was not willing to allow myself to be lonely, to know i needed other people, I would have never been able to sit here and find you. And I was less than whole without my loneliness, without my wounds. This is part of wholeness too, for you, for me, for everyone. Everyone of us wants to be more than who we are, wants to give more than we can give, there is something in us, in our training that says only perfect is good enough. This is an absolute setup for burning out. Each one of us, you and me, are already enough. We are exactly what is needed the ways in which we are human, our anger, our doubts our fears, and our loneliness; All of these things are exactly what is needed. Most of us have blessed and help many more people that we know, and you may just be exactly the right person for the person in front of you. Not because you are trying to be that person, but because you are really the right person to offer them a reminder of their wholeness to evoke their strength just but who you are in your presence in ways we may never know about. It's not our expertise that blesses people, its our humanist. When you know this about yourself nobody in your presence ever needs to feel alone or lonely; and you yourself will never feel alone or lonely either. So reach out for your loneliness, may you be blessed by it. May it allow you to connect to all people everywhere, to all wholeness in people everywhere. Even the wholeness that is in you so that it shines. And reminds people where their home is. May you serve with everything you know and everything you are. 

I am abundantly filled with joy, promise and purpose. I have a desire to soar in my moments. At this very moment I am whole, I am me. Regardless of hurt, emotions, the past at this very moment I am complete I am whole. Every past experience, both positive and negative within my duality has made me the woman I am today. There are a lot of things I need to deal with. However, I am whole in dealing with it. When the chapters of the past are closed , I will still be whole.

It may still take effort and trials to realize the wholeness at times. I am going to cultivate the garden of my life. i may not always like the pitstops, get fooled by the oasis's and sommetimes get lost in the dark and in the woods; but this, my journey, and on this path of life i am living and these experiences may me whole. It's how I deal with them that determines if I find my peace and solace. These truths flow with the energy within; they are there and have always been and will always be. It's using their torchlight in the darkest parts of the journey and remembering them when needed to get me through.

For life is no Emerald City, behind the green glasses you see what you want to see; however, when you remove the glasses you see the dirt, the grime and everything you did not want to believe was true.


Being whole and realizing your wholeness is about living in the moment. We can't change the past whether its a second ago, a minute, hour, week , month or year it is the past. Nor can we change the future because the future is not yet here. But we can change the moment that we are living in and subsequent moments later. For as I even right this many moments have past. I have been finding strength as well as empowerment living in the moment, and dealing with but not living in the past. For it is every aspect of our lives that we can find wholeness in, that makes us who we are. Even the parts that could make you ashamed, hurt, or even the happiness makes us completely who we are.

Live in the moment. Live life, Love life.

I am so blessed by the support and love of my family of me living in my duality and thank them for that. I am happy, full of love and grace. I thank Heavenly Father and powers at be for the foundation I have and the freedom and empowerment that is given to me daily. I am not afraid of any aspect of my wholeness and I live my life defending what I hold true, all encompassing faith, religion and family and much. I have no regrets in life for everything has made me who I am today, I have only compassion for the experiences i have and compassion for those who go through the same. My story is unique one in which i find strength and don't mind sharing but while its unique its one that others share also in this life stream. May we all find peace and solace within and realize and celebrate our wholeness-the good and the bad.

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