Tuesday, October 23, 2012

ALC 12: A Caution to Beginning Riders from a Beginner

I know many like myself express when they begin ALC training they need to get in shape, they need to lose weight, they need tone down, and many more I need to do this.  The number one thing that will actually be harmful to a rider and also will set them back in their mileage is cutting carbs.  While all these diets tell people cut carbs its a damaging process to the body especially for a cyclist.  I am speaking from experience,  Our body needs carbs, it needs it to process on ride and non ride days to sustain our body's life force and stamina.  If it wasn't for LifeCycle Rep Julie Brown, I would never have realized the damage i was doing to my body as yes I was losing weight, but i was beginning not to sustain rides.  I peaked at 48 miles and I will admit I need to work at getting back up to that point as lean muscle or muscle trying to turn in to lean muscle wasn't getting the nutrients a food it was needing where I am struggling at 20 not to say I cant do 30 or 40, I just need to stick in the 30-40 mile range for now to build back up what I destroyed.

So how does one lose weight in a healthy weigh, with or without supplements; first eat complex carbs. Complex carbohydrate foods are basically those in wholegrain form such as wholegrain breads, oats, muesli and brown rice. Complex carbs are broken down into glucose more slowly than simple carbohydrate and thus provide a gradual steady stream of energy throughout the day. Natural carbs are also a better choice when losing weight. Change your white flour for wheat flour.

Stay away from simple or these bad carbs
  • White bread (the number one bogeyman!)
  • Potatoes (especially fried because of the added fat and cholesterol)
  • White flour pasta (as opposed to whole wheat pasta)
  • White rice
  • Burger buns
  • Tortillas and wraps (unless made with whole wheat flour)
  • Breadcrumbs on fried chicken
  • Bread sticks
  • Cookies and biscuits, unless they’re whole wheat digestives
  • Pizza dough
You can lose weight by eating healthy carbs including foods that have natural carbs. Especially as a cyclist Continue to eat complex carb as you need it before a ride and during a ride especially after to replace all you lost. Eat foods in high proteins such as eggplant, yams, fish, and chicken and much more and you will lose the weight and get is shape at the time and if you want to gain we ight you can eat more and increase your portion size. Eat small snacks through out the day and smaller portions at meals

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