Thursday, July 5, 2012

Seasons of love measuring life in a tangible way

For several years now the song "Seasons of Love" has been an important and thought provoking anthemn in my life, that has forced me to remember what is important to me; in doing so, these recollections have saved my life many times. The song gives many examples on how people measure their lives; and that is all they are, examples. We are on our own individual journeys and our life experiences are never completely the same as another, creating our own measurements of life. There is one key element though in measuring your life, and that is the ability to LOVE; for without love we miss the intended picture, or purpose of our journey. People love money, things, places, people, food, God, or a countless number of other miniscule things in life, and yet without learning to love oneself- everything else is just an empty shell of nothing with no substance. For when one loves themself, they  appreciate the wonderful gift and learning process that allows one to understand the good and bad for what they truly are- lifes building blocks and puzzle pieces in the intricate puzzle we call life.

No one will succeed 100% of the time in loving oneself, or realizing at a particular moment when life has down is only a temporary problem. It is in those times, one really needs to stop by taking a few minutes, or block of time, to find that self love that remains temporary hidden. One needs to change the current thought processes by forgiving those that need your forgiveness especially when you need to forgive yourself for being too hard on your personal expectations and give yourself permission to make mistakes because you are human; Making and learning from one's mistakes is what makes you perfect individual and a better person who should never be ashamed regardless what another may think. You answer to no one except for yourself and let them remain prisoners of their own faults.

When we can accept the fact that we can't change the last moment with their consequences, we can move forward and accept the current moment's lesson, using what we learn from past moments to move forward and love the new person that came out of the previous moments lesson. Love is the skeleton key of life that opens portals to exciting new worlds of strength, empowerment, self expression, and necessary life lessons whether wanted or not; but most importantly will open every possible connection on the levels of energy, spiritually, mentally, physically, emotionally, and even sexually between all people and situations that one comes into contact with. No one is limited to their dreams, and when one knows how to love themselves they can accomplish anything. Know how to love oneself in the good, the bad, the mistakes, and the
perceived failures for all things are what makes your life a special unique and rare treasure. Celebrate your life and celebrate you

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