Friday, July 6, 2012

Jul 6, 2012

130 in the morning. I am going to bed.  I just finished blogs for last night.  I m going to bed for about 7 hours. Since today Friday officially now, I can say yaay!! as tomorrow is trip to Nauvoo.

question from journal jar.  What do you think about movies- what is your favorite movie and why?
Love movies, think they are too expensive, however as a filmmaker I better love movies.  Favorite movies without giving reason why.
Top Gun
Dead Poets Society
Gone with the WInd
Breakfast Club
Sound of Music
Westside Story

Im tired so the list stops and dont have anything else popping into mind at this point

Winter is a dead dog, I don't care if she did it with kisses and such 
she woke me up before 7a central time. I did not go to bed until 130a

Going through depression today for some reason and I don't know why. 
Yesterday was a great day, tomorrow is Nauvoo, so what's with today? 
And why is it when ever I plan something I start getting or feel like I 
am getting sick, sick or not Nauvoo is tomorrow. -Day 5

Gratitude Day 5: Even in depression today I rise above. I am living in 
the Spirit and I am focused on LIVING. For today if nothing else I am 
focusing on Nauvoo tomorrow and my health today.

Tomorrow is a day of spiritual healing and coming back into spiritual balance.

Ive allowed my spiritual self and health to take over in over drive to keep me protect while my 
physical, emotional, and mental health was in crisis. When the Spiritual side is picking up the slack for everything else not only do you through the Spiritual side out of balance relying solely on Spiritual self becomes just as dangerous. While i bring everything into balance I am taking me time according to 
my faith and Winter and I head to Nauvoo for history and reclaiming myself as has been really needed over the last few months while I have been traveling, and this is hopefully what I need as I prepare for my 
last 3 weeks of travel ( 2 more weeks in Iowa and 1 week in DC for the IAC 2012) before I head back to San Francisco and to my home ward.

Day 5: I need an exercise and diet regimen that I can do as someone withserious health problems, chronic pain and fatigue, as well as mobility problems that can help flatten my stomach and improve myself as a whole. The thing i lack the is the the support system, continuous motivation and the how to, $ for a gym membership, as well as the health at times. I am tired of being sick I was want to improve my body look for a deeper self image and hopefully for overall health

I'm a good mood all the sudden. Funny thing I just started dancing for no reason at kmart to the music and enjoying myself

plus a Father with his children were flirting with me.

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Thank you for your comment an/or question. it make take time to respond due to traveling abroad 2017.
