Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Jumping through Hoops: Going Abroad in 30 days

So even though they have my birth certificate with gender and name changed, they still wanted more documentation asking if either I have completed transition or am in the middle of it. I receive the email from the national passport center on Monday morning, and luckily I had a doctors appointment later that afternoon. So I'm sending this out along with the rest of the paperwork and my tickets because I paid for expedited passport because I leave in 30 days from today for Peru. However I fly out to Virginia on the 12th of January. I'm ok jumping through these hoops if I have to because once its done I won't have to jump through them again, and today my body actually matches all my legal paperwork ID and birth certificate. very grateful

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Thank you for your comment an/or question. it make take time to respond due to traveling abroad 2017.
