Thursday, June 16, 2011

Holy Light (An original Poem)

Circle of light, burn bright tonight
Tears upon the night doth fall, from adults & children small
Voices in the darkness lost, freedom comes at such high cost. 
Refuge sought from all harm, solace found in mighty arms
On bended knees so one prays, as Christ the Savior lights the way.
May the Spirit descend like a dove, that all may know God's eternal love.
I decide to follow the paths that's right, & join the circle of God's holy light

Regardless of ones religion or lack of we are all children and beings of something and someone greater than ourselves. To many suffer needlessly when all we have to do is be a friend. When we embody Christ's love and join together with that light that can be found in others even in the unbeliever I imagine a great blinding light that is as equal to the glory of the heavens and shines for as a beacon of hope, love, friendship, and peace. The more people that come together the more this light has the ability to canvas the world to touch the lives of all and NO advesary will be able to stand against the light. Back at home though your light surrounds the ones you love and the ones you come in contact with. Who does your light night need to touch today, and maybe even light or relight their light. Love is the greatest gift of all and never let that light be hidden under any covering.

Love and peace to all and may your light shine forth always.

Love kat.

This original poem and message or mini sermon if you wish is for the world but was written with two special people in mind and when they read it they will know who they are.

2011 copyright all rights reserved. This work is property of C'est la Vie Media and Katandi Media. No reproduction or use is allowed without permission.

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