Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Breast Augmentation NSFW

Sept 28, 2015 I had the most difficult,  overwhelming, and fear surrounded surgery, my breast augmentation. In my opinion vaginoplasty back on Feb 10, 2015 was the easiest of 2 surgeries, and it's  funny because I originally wanted my breasts done first however in Feb Medical wasn't covering Breast Augmentation yet so it really wasn't on my radar to spend the money anytime soon for the breasts as I was happy just having the vaginoplasty done. When previous surgery was done main focus was just to get rid of the male genitailia and i was grateful that Marci Bowers did a wonderful job and it was what imagined. 

I am grateful that MediCal SF Health plan paid for both surgeries. I had my consultation and had a surgery date within 45 days. My fear and anxiety was am i going to like the look will it be too big or too small. Every C cup woman showed me was different.

Folsom was the night before and surgery was set for a 730 am procedure with a 6am arrival. My day started early and I was irritated and Hangry by time I got to hospital due to not be able to eat or drink and getting 4 hours of sleep because I was woken at 2 am because my boy from PDX decided to stay out until bar closed and [lost track of time all week] (love folsom) over weekend and left things in my car and then needed to go to airport decided wanted next flight taking 2 hours to finally show up and took him to airport knowing i had surgery. Unfortunately Michael got some of my morning irritatibilty I don't Remember much just my texts (not morning person) so I apologized to him but lengthy surgery did not help. Come close to 730 they were running a little behind and still hadnt marked me up yet. After they marked me then i used the bathroom as they did not catheter me (thank god) I was so tired i fell asleep before given oxygen, taken to the operation room, before the anethesia and woke up to it everythinf done.

Surgery went well no complications other than a 2 hour surgery taking 5 hours.  Since we were doing under the muscle and them wanting to be mindful of the delicate tissue because they wanted me to have as close to natural looking as possible verses stripper tits to compliment my radiant beauty they said. So they went D (450) verse the original C discussed (they knew I wanted nothing bigger than a D) to balance out since my right breast was bigger than my left.

It wasn't Mills Pennisula the tranquil and serene campus and did not allow a guest until wheeled into surgery as originally told we could, but I had a great team. They had coffee waiting for me as soon as I woke up; the Dr asked me before going in is there anything I needed or would like at that moment or when I woke up I said coffee and my phone and he said definitely. My nurse upon awakening, Kim, was amazing and made the experience even more beautiful. She has a trans son age 26 and was very loving and nurturing in the recovery room, I made a new friend she has my blog and will add me on facebook. The whole team of nurses and doctors were amazing, friendly, supportive, and was proud of me they said, to hear that from a medical team it is amazcing. I am grateful for Michael to be there supporting me and being there when this became a longer day than nyone anticipated.  I am sore, stretched, still having to sleep  sitting up because once on my back  i cant get up. I have a heating pad i bought.  I feel lime the hunchback but i nap every couple hours and try to move my arms so they don't get too stiff. Almost 8 months since my last and I am done. No more surgeries.


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