Sunday, February 22, 2015

Day 10-12 Post surgery February 20-22, 2015

Day 10-12  I rely too much on Facebook as being my virtual blog, and when one gets put in the "Facebook Jail" it becomes as if you been quarantined for having some type of plague and cutting you off from the world, from your communities. It was as if my life was sucked out of me as it has been my communication as I am relatively housebound with out a vehicle or ride somewhere.  I posted a picture of Tom of Finland that I penciled Sketched on my Leather page as well as a member of the community and someone reported it as nudity. No notice that the was being reviewed. Picture was deleted and I was blocked for 3 days from posting,  all because of art,  a sketch.  The problem is Facebook has no set guidelines on how moderators moderate, simply the punishment If any is up to each moderator and their personal biases. I sent a message saying how I disagree with being blocked, careless if picture us removed but as someone who just had major surgery and stuck at home it was my communication and how I can ask for help and let people know what and how I am doing. No response still in jail.  This was Thursday evening. Love how art is being censored now. #stopartcensorship

The issue truthfully it was a homoerotic art piece from a new series I'm doing.  At attached
So after freaking out about it Thursday I've been in a non Facebook rut something I've depended on to post my daily selfies and capture my life in my virtual journal, I found myself trapped in rumination and dependence of Facebook limit my writing and updating.

I'm still having healing pain and the bruising and swelling are going down. Things are looking very well.  Pain is still manageable.  Motrin and ice are still my reign. 

Friday Day 10 I treated myself to a massage, Pandora came over and gave me one.  It's been several years since I've had a full massage. Chris came over and helped my go grocery shopping. Then Tonka,  Chris and I went to Dennys.

Saturday, Day 11. Today was 5 years since I found our since I was HIV positive.  Usually it's filled with emotion,  and today it is like okay, just another day.  I had spaced it until a friend reminded me a day before.
I cooked bacon wrapped Italian pork chops and tortellini for dinner,  it was so nice to cook a home cooked meal versus eating out or ordering take out
 I noticed as I went to dilate than at the bottom of the vaginal opening the incision and stitches did not take and creating some uncomfortable openings. I texted Marci Bowers last night and sent her a picture . She told me to come into her office Monday. 

Day 12. So Sunday now the 22nd of February.  I ventured out today on my own.  I took Lyft to BART and from BART caught a Cab to church. ( have to avoid bus still.   It's been awhile since I have been to my ward as I have been working and I have so missed the calming and the spirit here for me.  I love living in a time scriptures are available for all people,  I'm watching a dear sister read from a braille copy and it is so warming of the heart. Today in Sunday school we are talking about miracles. I'm exhausted already as we round second hour of church,  Relief Society ending.  A long day ahead.  I speak tonight 7pm at a sober tweaker meeting.  I'll rest as best I can a Castro country Club.
Need to get use to smells and such.

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