Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Kinky and the Pain, Trying to take over the identity world

What was supposed to be a simple post for tumblr, became a political diatribe with a mind of its own 7 hours later after writing and editing here is this imperfect piece I do not want spend any more time on it nor will I change it later, it has no purpose from my other piece except for a very well put and time consuming penning to paper my thoughts. I'm great at writing but even this I did not know I had in me. I'm pleasantly surprised so here's a deeper look into the enigma of my brain my non linear and out of the box conceptual thinking.

I have always been kinky before I even knew what kink was, and never did belong to the social norm. It is funny I can't blame the sexual abuses, incestuous encounters, or pressures of religious  dogma, and societal moral codes. Being a child of the 80's I think it gave me more of a fighting self to embrace life. I'm from the generation that was born into the emerging collective in response to Generation X need for self expression, creativity, free thinkers, creating an identity that did not only go against societal conformity  (clothes, attitudes, world views, accepting what family and government told you to be true), Gen X became about creating ones voice and speaking up and fighting against moralism, social and human injustices; and through the forming of very distinct cultures and sub cultures where people begin finding their tribe, and challenging the gender, sexual, societal sterotypes that created space for the archetypes that have been the foundation to not only human equality, the need for interconnectedness, intellectual discourse and coming together of the minds, self expression, and out of the box thinking but challenging and breaking from the cookie cutter model and ideology that says in order to be successful and to be productive member of society one must do xyz. Today people are stepping away from brick and mortar and collective life design, and embracing independence through a freestyle, free range, holistic, and open door model of thinking. As we break away from the societal non consentual faux democracy, built around the self gratifying and traitorous factions and dictatorships of the one percent, we find ourselves no longer under the illusion created by the rose and emerald color glasses, nor trust the prescription of those who gave them to us in the first place. We are in a movement and awakening where people are marching and letting their voices be heard, like in Vietnam and the Civil Rights movement; however through vehicles that the internet, social media, smartphones,  and by the misgivings, deception, abuse of power from goverment, religion, and civil authority we are saying enough is enough and as citizens we arent going to allow our freedoms and liberties to be trampled upon anymore. By challenging the the normalcy of the the Political Right and the religious proclaimed furor's imposing their closed minded personal  black and white insecure policy and doctrine, we break from the non consensual 50 shades of gray mentality and as how people define their identity in who they are as an individual. In defining who they are they find out that they are not alone; as what appears to be an explosion of cultural and sub cultural tenets that can no longer be defined within gender, sexual identity, sexual deviance, goverment, class, race, wealth, education, geographic, or religion. This form of societal segregation has become an incestuous and taboo marriage partnership in which the Romeo and Juliet effect had, before anyone knew what had happened, collided and crossed over into these cultures and sub cultures until no longer able to separate one from another.

As these cultures and sub cultures  collided stigma and the people creating stereotypes in attempt to reclass somebody that no longer completely lines up with their ideology, individuals find themselves forced to hide in proverbial closets out of societal practicing of fear shaming by those with their own things to hide in order to try to fit in and belong.

In the United States through the faux seperation of goverment and religion, policies have been made with intent to  indoctrinate and convert people to a white male's version and Ideology of a centralized Christian faith and morality in order to unconsentually control for power and money. The reason why churches are tax free is because they are tax shelters for their political cohorts, as well as a platform if due to the pastor has influence over his congregation what whether what is said at the pulpit is taken as doctrine and not politics as if it is an endorsement from God himself. The reason why the laws around morality, drugs, taboo, or most laws in general are made, is because as long as you fear that you can lose your salvation you will be in church every Sunday giving your money to the church and into the pastors bank account. (not a general statement of all churches or ministers, but applies to majority).

And what the government and religion doesn't regulate those who have had an awakening, probably through their drug induced philosophical wonderings about things like can animals read our thoughts, and the friend says i think your right, and someone jumps on the bandwagon that all animals must be saved and it is wrong that the animal should be used as food.......

We have been condition to believe that the things that have become taboo overtime is morally and spiritually wrong, and when we find yourself attracted or identify in such practices or behaviors we are told that there's something wrong with us, that it is a sin, that you are less of person because of how you feel, think, and knowoto be different in your heart, and nothing you can do reconcile that and out of fear of societal and family condemnation, as well as criminalization to degrade another, to practice indirect genocide that through limiting and tearing down a person until they are no longer human forcing them to take often the option of suicide; while the KKK (kkk is not just a black thing, as it is moral cleansing and wheher or not actual inducted members, the behaviors and practices are no different from the government and religion) shake hands congratulating one another. These same leaders interwine in religion and politics in cohort, preys on the public in pheremone like hypnotic sheep suits, drawing the attention from the real issue and thus creates a crisis of morality and mob mentality that does the dirty work for theses cohorts creating a nonexistent problem; and in quest for power rushes in and introduces bills and laws under the guise this is really the will of the people.  The created problem became a form of moral issues  more likely from was an indulgence that the person seeking to regulate problems made in order to make themselvez look good  Wow hiding his skeletons behind classism and fascism ideologies. The same individuals are no different than who we say Hitler was as they believe in an elite class or race system. The only difference is Hitler through the working that was known German Worker Union (US comparison the Republican party and Religious Right) the elite members behind the Nazi Party used Hitler as their puppet as the gave him the power to carry out an over all agenda. YEs we aren't exterminating or sendimg Americans to death camps, but through the Money and Power our leadera have given the Koch brothers our lives. They bought our lives without our consent and the elected officials have sold our bodies, reproductive rights, privacy, sexuality, gender, families, education, employment, and sold the democracy which we claim to have to wealthy individuals. These individuals that will stop at nothing as long as they are giving the reign of influencing every election and whether or that politicians stays in office or not if they don't do their bidding. The problem is our government leaders are afraid of the economic problems that would be caused due to the Koch brothers pulling their money out of this country and moving somewhere else, and influencing every person of money that has their ear to do the same. We are sold for the fact that we have relied on the money of the Koch Brothers and other elite political puppeteers that has been nothing but government sanctioned money laundering, and it has been grafted and seeded into every social, civil, and institutional infrastructures, and as an economy we would collapse. The worst scenario is this collapse would open us up to being conquered as the Super Power; we would initiate a domino effect causing us to be responsible for the collapse of other global economies and defaulting on our loans from China and others who also play puppeteer in determining policy-making. We would be one of the last economies to regain any footing economically and if the Great Depression was any sign of the times, then between drought and other issues and a larger population here in United States, we won't survive. 

For years people have fought for Human Rights, and for equal footing for blacks, women, LGBT and others non white male demographics, and with that fighting we are still unequal. We still segregate.  We are in an awakening that challenges everything we know and understand about the human condition, which is very little, in finding ourselves saying we will not be sheep or lemmings any longer; and that we will not stand for deception, and we expect transparency from our leaders, and the war against LGBT, on women's reproductive system and other classes are a war on everyone as this a war on the human condition.  We are saying that we are free individuals and not property. Social Justice campaigns are rampant and whether right or misguided in certain endeavors, today's generation is fighting for a place to live in the future that ensures creating viable and a free future for generations to come. As the battle hits the homefront, more than ever the Generation X are at war with their grandchildren, as they are part of the a new chapter spawned by indignation of the attitudes of those that were brought up during the untrust, and fear  that was caused  in the chaos of the Cold War and Vietnam Conflict; and find themselves breaking away from intolerance, and chastisment from the Gen X, making the matter about what ideology will these children hold as they a shift political views happening as these leaders die out.

>lThanks to the Internet collective, religion, government control, the educators opening up the minds, intolerance and hate, and Fox News people have been doing their own research and accepting their own paths, beliefs, definition of love and affection, and living in a rebirth of the Era of love. They learning from love movement of Vietnam to stand up for the peop and learning to coexist as this generation has friends, collegues, and live their daily life around people that represent every type of culture and sub culture. When able to think for themselves, as we have seen nonstop war since the end of the 80's, they are finding its easier to not fight or care about who someone sleep with, what their gender is, or what's your favorite sexual favor as e have too much other things we have to worry about ie. getting out of debt and student loans, job, providing for their families. The ones that seems to be vocal, are the ones that are religious individuals sheeply living by their indoctrination and following their family testimony versus their own. Because in the end the only way we are going to be able to dispel the myths of the moral and sexual code is by following the greatest commandment in Christianity as well as the Golden Rule and simply to say love thy neighbor as thyself. We were told to love. Love has no bounds, no gender, no sex, and no such thing as a counterfeit family and lifestyles.

You know I'm not God but I'm pretty sure, if you are one who believes in Him,  the he  probably wishes he did not make the pact never flooding the world again as he gave the rainbow to Noah in covenant. He probably would also ask why are you following a book compilled under a pagan emperor that was only meant to keep his Empire together upon his death, and yet the you pick and choose the verses you want to govern your life claiming that is my will, when my will is actually simple, and that is to love one with the same love you claim to have for me.

Going back to being the child of the 80's, and my mom spending her young adulthood in the seventies teenage philosophy of unconditional love and rock and roll. She never believed in forcing religion upon her kids, if they want a religion they would choose it for themselves when they're old enough. My mom was raised Catholic and my dad Protestant. And her uncle, a priest refused to marry her and my dad because he wasn't Catholic she refuse to promise to raise her kids as Catholic. When they were bending the book she said no one with me to tell her kids what they can and cannot read and she make sure she bought the books. Encouraging us to be whoever we want to be, encouraging us to learn and educate ourselves, while she may not have always agreed with everything we did she unconditionally love no matter what and whatever we did wanted us to be happy. Hey I always knew I was different and I always have to prove it,.

Because of people who chose to going against moral and social codes I found refuge for my identity that I was at war with. By accepting every kink, fetish that i have harboured since i was a kid, by learnimg to accept all aspects of my identity, even when the world has the can't coexist with a religious belief, philosophies etc. When it came to living or dying it was these deviants that saved my life, when government and religion take to tear down and ultimately end it. Today we've coined terms to help people identify how they feel, what or who they identify in and as, and today I live in a world where people can be any number of things. I'm glad I am young enough to be part of the awakening and to be able to recognize the changes even be made slowly or sometimes hidden, that I didn't see change happen and political and religious right is going to lose. and in the end it will be the one's who sought to destroy us that will fall, but we are also the ones that will bethere to pick them up when their friends and money and integrity have departed

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